Corporate Governance
Since the realignment of BIG under the Federal Real Estate Act (Bundesimmobiliengesetz) in 2001, the management has pursued the principle of the utmost transparency within the company, particularly with regard to financing on the capital market. This includes the implementation of clear structures and processes in the area of the corporate bodies as well as in the operational units of the company, especially in finance and accounting, controlling and reporting.
As a clear sign of transparency, BIG has been following the rules of the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance since December 2008, to the extent that the rules are applicable to it as a Ges.m.b.H.. The content of the Code is a set of rules for the responsible management and governance of companies in Austria that conforms to international standards.

Disclosures in connection with the Austrian Code of Corporate Governance Shareholder Structure:
Pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Real Estate Act, Österreichische Beteiligungs AG (ÖBAG) is the sole shareholder in Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.