Site Notice

Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
1020 Wien, Trabrennstraße 2c

T +43 5 0244 - 0
F +43 5 0244 - 2211

FN 34897w
Commercial Court of Vienna    
VAT No. ATU38270401    
Member of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce    
Competent authority according to Sec. 5 ECG: Magistratisches Bezirksamt of the 2nd district of Vienna and MA 63

Applicable professional regulations:

You can also find further information in the Companies A-Z of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber

Management Board
Gerald Beck
Christine Dornaus

Supervisory Board 
Christine Catasta, Chair of the Supervisory Board
Claudia Brey
Elisabeth Gruber
Martin Holzinger
André Martinuzzi
Thomas Rasch
Jürgen Krausler
Daniela Böckl

Sole shareholder
Österreichische Beteiligungs AG

Business purpose
(a) The provision of space for federal purposes alone or jointly with third parties and for this purpose, with particular regard to the needs of the state of Austria, in particular the acquisition, use, management, leasing and sale of real estate and premises, the construction and maintenance of buildings, central building management services.

(b) The acquisition, use, management, leasing and disposal of property, premises and rights in rem, the construction and maintenance of buildings and central building management services for purposes other than federal purposes.
In view of the market regulations under community law (in particular state aid, public procurement and competition law), however, the services rendered by the company for the state of Austria pursuant to sec. 3 para. 1 lit. a) must predominate.

(c) The provision of property management and construction management services.

(d) The usage of properties and parts of properties not used by the state of Austria.

(e) Engaging in the business of property development.

(f) The establishment of branch offices, the acquisition, lease, management and exploitation of companies, participation in companies and enterprises, the key business purpose of which corresponds to that of lit. (a) to (d), as well as their management and representation.

(g) To carry on other ancillary and incidental business connected with the business purpose of the company but excluding any business subject to the provisions of the Banking Act.

(h) The fulfilment of the tasks pursuant to the Federal Real Estate Act, Federal Law Gazette I No. 141/2000 as amended. 

Terms of use
The contents of this website were created with the greatest possible care and in compliance with the rights of third parties (e.g. copyright). Although this website is regularly checked to make sure it is up to date, complete and correct, this cannot be guaranteed. We therefore request that you contact us directly in the event of any uncertainties. 
Liability for the contents of this website and in particular the links included is only assumed within the framework of sec. 17 ECG. The links have also been included and checked with the greatest possible care. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee that the linked page will not change without our knowledge and intervention.    
At the time of linking, these links were in conformity with the law. Should we be made aware of a legal problem, the link in question will be removed immediately. 
We have the necessary rights of use or exploitation to the content on this website. Any use of the contents of our website (especially pictures) without our express consent is not permitted.

Data protection & Information

Karen Artner: karen.artner(at)


Technical implementation
world-direct eBusiness solutions GmbH